I am 7 months into a 2+ year Traditional Chinese course...so...keeping that in mind, these tips come from an Acupuncturist (Clara Cohen of Acuproacademy.com).
1st Month: eat easily digestible foods, include Barley in the diet. Stay calm, don't over exercise....the reason? to allow fetus time to securely latch on. No fear, no grief, no anger. Stay out of hot and cold extremes
2nd Month: Avoid Hot and Spicy foods. Gentle sex okay
3rd Month: Eat more QUALITY proteins, Rest...Meditate...Sleep as much as possible
4th Month: Consume more Brown Rice and Fish. Do not overeat
5th Month: SLEEP. Stay warm, eat Oats, eat sweet and sour foods together
6th Month: Daily walks, in Nature if possible, eat root vegetables and WILD meats
7th Month: Bone soups and GENTLE Yoga
8th Month: Deep breathing, Stay calm, AVOID stress and anger
9th Month: Stay dry, avoid damp. NO SWEETS
10th Month: AVOID salty foods. MEDITATE
40 weeks....10 Moons....10 Months
Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy
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