I owe much to my mentors, Susun Weed, Michael Moore and Michael Tierra. I had quite a stack of books by my hospital bed, I had to know what I could do for myself in my healing...that is where having the internet REALLY came in handy. It was helpful having lists of herbs, it was a bugger trying to figure out what herb would have what effect in conjunction with the chemo, steroids, antibiotics, anti-virals, and anti-fungals ...oh bother.
The list of herbs got smaller and smaller until I was down to nearly nothing, even some vitamins were an issue, they 'could' cause the chemo to not be effective.
So...Food as Medicine became my mantra, good healthful food and vinegars, so began a new research. Foods that would assist my healing, vegetarian foods (I tried to eat meat, oncologist said "try it", I did for three days, felt like I went backwards in health so went back to a plant based diet) and the food had to be as unprocessed as possible, and chemical free.
Anyway I was lost in the multitudes of web pages when I came across this bit of sunshine
http://www.planetherbs.com/michaels-blo ... ancer.html
As I get all my notes together I will share more.....(besides my chemo brain just caused a huge blank in my thoughts