Greetings, Lovers of the Green,
I have been offering more complimentary phone sessions and am inspired by the synergy created.
I love sharing the connection between the plants, the earth and prosperity/possibility that is available to us and within us.
I am available for more complimentary sessions.
Have a look at the offerings below and imagine yourself participating. Then contact me for a complimentary session.
It is also an opportunity to ask questions about plants, healing, herbal crafting, shamanic herbalism, prosperity, making money, seven medicines, shamanic healing, creating your sacred livelihood etc.
It is an opportunity to receive healing energies.
Each session that is offered will be focused on your unique intentions.
I am here and I am available.
Peace and Abundant Green Blessings, Julie
Finding Nourishment at Your Doorstep
13 Month Home Study Course
in Shamanic Herbalism
The shamanic herbal tradition of the wise woman
is the oldest method of healing on the planet. Thousands of years before the scientific tradition of healing was put into place, people were healing in a spiralic way, seeing their wholeness in all situations, whether simple or complex. It was truly a both/and Universe. This course will teach you to expand your awareness so that your wholeness is the focal point of your health and well-being.
Our focus is on nourishment. In the shamanic herbal tradition of the wise woman, all healing comes through nourishing.
What is offered in Finding Nourishment
at Your Doorstep:
Bi-weekly emails with shamanic experiential exercises,
Ten individual sessions at our farm or on the phone
The Nourishing Themes for each month are:
October - The Spiral Path
November - Return to the Source and Void
December - Peace and Simplicity
January - Invisibility
February - Heart Centeredness
March - Change, Transformation, Metamorphosis
April - Living in a Holographic Universe
May - The Journey of the Rose
June - The Soul's Journey
July - Satisfaction and Gratitude
August - Passionate Abundance
13 Month - Completion of Course
Individual Sessions
Shamanic Herbalism, Shamanic Healing, Expansive Work
on the land.
At our farm on Whidbey Island
or on the phone.
Herbal Wisdom Circle
This is an open circle.
Our next weekend is
September 27, 2014
Our theme is
"Home Skills that Heal"
October 18 ~ "Revelation"
November 8 ~ "Grace of the Garden"
December 6 ~ " Green Goes Up, Brown Goes Down. There is Beauty in All of That."
Have You Asked the Trees?
7 Week, Home Study Course
in Shamanic Herbalism
Weekly themes:*Stepping out under the trees,*The breath of life,*Wisdom to hold ground*Guardian Tree, *Ancestral Roots,*The True Nature of the Universe.
*Council of Elders
Includes: An in-person session for locals and session on the phone for those at a distance and experiential exercises sent to you through email.
Full Moon Plant Mysteries
Our Full Moon Plant Mysteries, Home Study Course, offers you the opportunity to Weave Shamanic Herbalism with the Energies of the Moon. Each month just before the Full Moon, I will send out through email, an assignment that will include journeys, recipes and writing exercises. Each moon will be focused on one plant.
You can sign up for one moon, three moons
or 13 moons.
The next three moons:
August 10 ~ Apple Moon
September 8 ~ Calendula Moon
October 8 ~ Dandelion Moon
November 6~ Burdock Moon
Prosperity Coaching
Conversations by Phone
Intuitive coaching to support you in creating the life you desire.
Live Your
Sacred Livelihood.
Children in Nature
Mentoring for Children
Shamanic herbal teachings for children to connect to the wisdom that is in nature and that is
within them.
Individual Sessions and
groups forming
Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's Daughter
Sharing the Compassionate Wisdom of the Plants and Cultivating Seeds
of Possibility
Shamanic Herbalism Programs, Prosperity Coaching,
Nourishing Herbal Creations
Wise Woman Offerings in Shamanic Herbalism
Moderators: Wise Woman, Lady Alinor
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[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php on line 1266: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
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