Greetings, Lovers of the Green,
" I call her the Wild Woman, for those very words, wild and woman, create llamar o tocar a la puerta, the fairy-tale knock at the door o
f the deep female psyche. Llamar o tocar a la puerta means literally to play upon the instrument of the name in order to open a door. It means using words that summon up the opening of a passageway. No matter by which culture a woman is influenced, she understands the words wild and woman, intuitively."
From Women Who Run with the Wolves, Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
We are descending into the dark time of year, the juicy time of mystery of earth and psyche.
This liminal time before Samhain, calls us to cast off that which does not serve us and evoke the wild woman.
This is a creative time to stir the cauldron of our
dreams and bring into being what is desiring to be expressed by us.
The roots are potent and the underworld energies are crucial in supporting our most alive selves.
I am inspired to offer a new 4-week course for women during this time of year coming into the time of darkness an deepness and the wisdom of the unseen.
Full description below
May it be in beauty.
Peace and Abundant Green Blessings, Julie
Evoking the Wild Woman
A Spirited Journey into the teachings of Shamanic Herbalism and the
Earth Mysteries
4 Week Home Study Course
Starts Monday, October 13, 2014
To register, email me,
What included in this experiential home study course:
Emails sent weekly which will include:
• Shamanic listening exercises in nature.
• Working with the roots, the teachings of deep rootedness.
• Video to inspire your own connections in nature.
• Creative exercises to inspire your story of the wild woman within you. Including poetry and song.
• Food as medicine for the soul, the invisible teachings of nourishment. Goddess Archetypes to inspire your most alive selves.
• Shamanic healing journeys.
• Allowing Mercury in Retrograde to support your life journey
• Work with the ancestors.
• Suggestions for creating sacred space and ritual, including the celebration of Samhain.
• Suggestions for further reading to enhance your experience.
• So much more......
I am working intuitively and with my shamanic helpers to create this course. This course will be specifically geared toward its participants.
The cost of the course is $39.
Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's DaughterSharing the Compassionate Wisdom of the Plants and Cultivating Seeds
of Possibility
Shamanic Herbalism Programs, Prosperity Coaching,
Nourishing Herbal Creations
New Class-Evoking the Wild Woman-4 Week Home Study Course
Moderators: Wise Woman, Lady Alinor
- Posts: 12
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