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poop problems

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:12 pm
by Gaianherb
Hi everyone! just joined and I'm exited to learn from a great group of wise women.

My good friend (she's 21) has had difficulty passing bowel movements, which have caused her serious discomfort and inconvenience since she was young (this started not long after her first period). She's seen doctors in the past and they haven't found any long term solution, except for a long list of allergies (not serious) - but she enjoys these foods and cutting them out doesn't seem to help. she's been able to have some reasonable control and comfort using various over the counter pharmaceutical laxatives, but these may be unsafe when taken as often as she'd like to have movements. She's also been enjoying a tea called "smooth move", which includes an herb called senna which I'm unfamiliar with... but apparently this is also intended for rather occasional use.

She is interested in exploring herbal alternatives that are safer and can be taken more frequently. Does anyone have any recommendations for her to try? Either available at herb vendors or, even better, wild crafted. She and I would greatly appreciate your advice!

Re: poop problems

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:48 pm
by RoseRed
Senna is what's in a lot of the over the counter laxatives. They call it Sennasides. It's a harsher laxative but it works.

Has she tried different levels of fiber and mucilage?

Re: poop problems

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:41 am
by Melissa Doordaughter
Flax seeds can also work wonders!

Re: poop problems

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:05 pm
by Singingcrowsings
As can prune juice.