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Homemade cough syrup- daughter acting high!!

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 10:04 pm
by Jaxxs Herblover
Hello. I made a homemade cough syrup. This is the recipe:
3 cups water
1 cup elderberries
1/4 c. Thyme
1/4 c. Marshmallow root
3 Cinnamon Sticks
6 Cloves
6 Licorice root pieces

I noticed last night that after a tablespoon, my 9 year old about 20 minutes later acted practically high and loopy. I just thought it ws because she had a fever of 102.5 that I decided to break after this finding.

Today I gave her the same amount and she had the same reaction. The only thing different in this year's batch of cough syrup is the cloves. Could this be what's causing her behavior? I maybe am giving her too high a dose? I feel sort of stupid giving her more than a tsp but i felt it had so much honey that it wouldn't matter. I used 3/4 quart of honey. Please help. I made around 24 oz. I tried two tablespoons to test it. I felt completely normal. Could the cloves have been the thing that caused her reaction? I know some people smoke them to get high.

Re: Homemade cough syrup- daughter acting high!!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:16 pm
by Lady Alinor
Curious.....putting on thinking cap.

How long did you simmer it?
Cloves are anodyne so they soothe and relieve pain, so maybe...if she were very sensitive I could see that yeah...BUT
Thyme is a decongestant which can maybe add a loop to a little childs system...but you say she has used this before and the cloves are a new ingredient. So maybe the combination of herbs made a great medicine that requires less dosage so will last longer....right ~lol~
Don't be hard on yourself, how were you to know...really, if that is the issue.
(could be the illness too)

Re: Homemade cough syrup- daughter acting high!!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:21 am
by Jaxxs Herblover
The first few days I thought it was allergies because she was saying her throat was dry and irritated, so I gave her a herbal allergy histablock as usual and stopped her lung support capsule bwhich cab be very drying. I didn't do anything for a couple if days. Her throat got worse. So I began two oregano drops 3 x/day, and made the syrup. I waited a day. Then she developed a fever which rose to 102.8. i finally caved and gave something for fever and pain! I also gave a tsp of colloidal silver. The next day after, she began productively coughing and hacked up at least three large tablespoons of nasty mucous from her chest and she was fine! Now my boy is sick with a temp if 103 right now. When temps get to climbing I get nervous because they get so lethargic and miserable. Please can you tell me the best thing to reduce fever naturally without otc meds?

Re: Homemade cough syrup- daughter acting high!!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:22 am
by Jaxxs Herblover
Oh also I forgot to say I gave colloidal silver also when the fever started. A tsp 3 x/ day

Re: Homemade cough syrup- daughter acting high!!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 6:13 am
by Jaxxs Herblover
Oh and by the way Lady A, you asked how long I had simmered. I boiled the water, added the herbs and covered, brought the temp to very low for about 2 hours at least. Then I turned the stove off and waited 30 more minutes to cool completely. So yes, a strong infusion.

Re: Homemade cough syrup- daughter acting high!!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 6:25 am
by Jaxxs Herblover
I put a luke warm cloth on his head and took his bed clothes down and removed his shirt. I gave him two teaspoons of syrup. I also gave him two drops of oregano in water. I would have given echinacia but had no more left. I then gave him some sips of chicken stock which he wanted no more of. Then I gave him about five good sips of linden flower and leaf tea which he liked. I could tell just that little bit of work started to bring the color back into him. Also I prayed over him. I'm amazed that his fever came down within 30 minutes. Any other suggestions for reducing a fever for comfort would be helpful. I've noticed that different herbs work. I just never know when I will run out. I've also heard of garlic and onions on the feet but I would only try that if these other things did not work. Also I probably hastily break out the colloidal silver too soon when I notice a fever because I begin thinking bacteria is attacking and the immune system is fighting back and needs help so they won't suffer too long. I know that colloidal silver is a heavy metal. I'm concerned about giving it to my kids though. Any thoughts on colloidal and if it may be harmful since it is a heavy metal? I know it works I just don't want to give it too hastily Everytime they run a fever if they don't need it. I have read that heavy metals are hard to get out of our systems and that they can accumulate in our tissues and cause memory problems and dementia in our elder years. Has anyone else knowledge about colloidal silver? Also can you please give knowledge about effective methods for reducing fevers?

Re: Homemade cough syrup- daughter acting high!!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:17 am
by Lady Alinor
So sorry the kids are sick, tis that time of

Fevers can be a good thing, we parents forget that and we immediately attempt to bring down that thing that is actually fighting the infection (viral or bacterial). A fever that is in excess in terms of temperature and duration does need some attention of course.
We should be assisting with light foods, if tolerated, ( because the body is busy fighting infection and digestion is low man on the totem pole) and/nutritive infusions, cool soaks or warm baths depending on the type of fever. Immune system TONICS would be helpful (Echinacea is an immune system STIMULANT which sometimes isn't helpful because the body is already OVER stimulated fighting the virus), Elderberry syrup for example.
A dear friend and long-time forum member/moderator/mentor, LadyB aka Barbara Hall had an interesting approach to colds: HOT FOOT BATH with a COLD WASH CLOTH on the face, then switch to COLD FOOT BATH with HOT WASH CLOTH on face.
For hopeless congestion she suggests FREEZING COLD WET socks on feet with DRY WOOL socks over that, then CLIMB INTO BED AND COVER UP. Switches body attention to feet and not face and sinuses.
LadyB said CATNIP TEA is anti-spasmodic, so is good for psycho coughs and OVER-WOUND kids.
(Sometime when you have the time the archives are full of LadyB wisdom and humor!)

Parents need to trust more, trust our kids and their bodies that we helped create and :)

I don't have any experience with Collodial Silver (we do have some in our 72 hour kit so I had best learn its uses).
Cilantro is helpful for removing heavy metals....Cilantro pesto!

I hope the kids are back to their normal selves soon and YOU should be consuming foods that will keep you well through this upcoming season of what LadyB called SNORTS AND SNIFFLES!

Re: Homemade cough syrup- daughter acting high!!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:21 am
by Lady Alinor
To clarify....ELDERBERRY SYRUP as a TONIC.

Onion plasters...Mustard plasters....

Re: Homemade cough syrup- daughter acting high!!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:58 pm
by Jaxxs Herblover
Thank you! I am going to try these methods. I am so exhausted myself, and haven't been making my infusions, so I will get back to them. I love dandelion leaf infusion especially because it makes me feel super awesome like I'm 25 again.

Re: Homemade cough syrup- daughter acting high!!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:44 pm
by Lady Alinor
Jaxxs...I've never had Dandy leaf infusion...never crossed my mind.

One of my guys just had a cold, I pumped him up with Elderberry syrup, Vitamin C (double dose) Vitamin D 10,000 IU and some special cough drops (from the Asian store) for a few days. He got to the point that he was feeling pretty good but the cough wouldn't produce so I told him to get online and see what Chinese Medicine would do for Stuck/Stagnant Phlegm...he came back to me and said he had already tried what was suggested except for one thing....Bouncing or jogging the Phlegm loose!!!! lol lol lol
He now RUNS into town every day, he says it helps until he gets up in the morning then he isn't producing again.

Jogging! Funny!