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Susun on weight gain

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:34 pm
by Jae Lily
I was looking for something to read about menopausal weight gain and came across this excerpt that really spoke to me. ... t_gain.htm

I'm not sure if the link will work, but I thought I would share.

Re: Susun on weight gain

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:49 pm
by gartenzwerg
Sounds reasonable, but how would I look, my partner is very thin! Really it depends. And some women look great when they are round!

Re: Susun on weight gain

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 8:26 am
by Claire
I have been overweight since I was 25, sometimes I lose weight and gain extra pounds again.

Re: Susun on weight gain

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:30 am
by sidra
i have the same problem, :roll: weight gain is a big problem how can I control it.?

:roll: :roll:

Re: Susun on weight gain

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:38 am
by Lady Alinor
Due to health reasons I had to give up all dairy and wheat/gluten containing grains, the weight just melted off, it took about 2 years for me to lose 60 lbs. But it was quick enough to keep me excited and slow enough not to concern by oncology dr.
I know that not many people would be willing to give up dairy and 'wheat', maybe a reduction, like down to just a couple times a week instead of every day or in the case of some I know, every meal (wheat and dairy at every meal...oh my). Some folks may find a reduction in other symptoms like achy joints, headaches, pms, etc.
Now my husband has a sweet tooth and when he indulges it the weight increases, lately he's been doing pretty good except for the sugar in his tea (for some weird reason he can drink his coffee black but not his tea...weird). He was so addicted to sugar that he would eat candy before breakfast, now it's just his tea...several cups a day...oh bother lol
Some herbs to assist? Chickweed, hibiscus, nourishing infusions of nettle, oatstraw, alfalfa, linden. The infusions help one feel satisfied, nourished, and loved.
Loving oneself is priority ONE!
I watched a video this morning, made my husband watch it too (because he made a comment and I wanted him to see that he was missing how beautiful she is), this woman was shapely in a very feminine way, a goddess. She was in a cute dress, every day wear, and she belly danced she let herself free and danced! Her control was beautiful, her smile divine, her feminine power so evident...BEAUTIFUL!!!!
She loves herself, she found her center, her power within. She embraces the SACRED FEMININE.
She reminds me of LadyB and her learning belly dance to help herself through menopause weight gain and recovery from Lyme disease. She commented often about her jiggling pudding...she embraced her pudding and became a dance teacher, she taught many women to embrace their Sacred Center, their Sacred Feminine. I miss that woman.
Fellow travelers WE have covered over our Sacred Feminine, or Masculine, we have dimmed out lights, TIME TO THROW BACK THE COVERS AND SHINE! Time to beat our chests and roar out "Take me as I am or back off...grrrr". We aren't princesses we are Shield Maidens (warriors)! ~GRINS~